Number 03/2019

Issued on 11-03-2019

Valid until: UFN

Issued by LARA Team


If non-standard Postgresql parameters (hostname, port, username and password) have been used within LARA V3.0 configuration (serverSettings.gsdk), migration process to LARA V3.1 has to be amended accordingly.

The newly released LARA V3.1 "MigrationTarget" do explicitly include (LARAMigration/settings/migrationSettings.gsdk) connection parameters to the database:

On the contrary, the same database parameters, although supported by LARA V3.0, ARE NOT INCLUDED in the LARAMigration/settings/migrationSettings.gsdk configuration file.

Therefore, if needed, a simple copy and paste for these parameters in the LARA V3.0 "MigrationSource" will allow the migration process to smoothly access to the data to be migrated.


In case of any questions please contact the LARA Team


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