Number 06/2019/A

Issued on 12-06-2019

Valid until: UFN

Issued by LARA Team


LARA FMTP interface currently exports the -REFATSRTE field as:

‘<route>-<point>-<point>’, e.g., ‘L72-RUSNE-ROLAV’.

This is due to how segments are named within LARA.  However, it does not match the ADEXP specification, which defines it as
‘<route> <point> <point>’, so ‘L72 RUSNE ROLAV’ (see EUROCONTROL EUROCONTROL Specification for ATS Data Exchange Presentation (ADEXP) page 54).

It is proposed to align all future LARA V3.0 & V3.1 releases to this specification so that FMTP data content will implement correctly this field syntax. As a result, all users currently using or developing the FMTP interface might be impacted.

This issue can be monitored within Mantis #3460.

Please come back to us not later than 30th of June in case you see any negative impact on your use of LARA.

In case of any questions please contact the LARA Team

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