Categories: General
      Date: Apr 10, 2020
     Title: LARA V3.2 release available
A new LARA V3.2 Release is available for download

The new LARA V3.2 Release (LARA V3.2.0.11) is available for download at

The associated Release Note provides a high-level summary of the changes since the last release.


Important Notes and Recommendations for the use of V3.2:

- Incorrectly place NAM “bridge” reservation in Charlie section

- In some cases fail to generate AUP/UUP


- We recommend not to use this buffer when generating AUP/UUP


- Do not use the “End reservation” button during an active release, edit the end time instead.


- In order to avoid having a non-responding LARA Client, use only the 2 here-above mentionned environmemts.

For further details and workarounds see the associated Delivery Log and/or contact the LARA Team.