Notice 03/2020/B



Number 03/2020/B

Issued on 20-03-2020

Valid until: UFN

Issued by LARA Team


1.       NM has recently update both OPS and PREOPS Trust Store certificates.  On top of your NM B2B users certificates (proving your identity to NM servers), these certificates allow LARA server to ensure the identity of NM servers.

Please ensure that while accessing NM B2B Services, you will have update NLT the 23/03/2020 for PREOPS and 31/03/2020 for OPS in your LARA server configuration the corresponding "NM_B2B.TRUST_STORE" parameter.

In order to achieve this, you should:

  • download the updated LARA Trust Store, and save it within your LARA Server file (e.g LARASERVER/bin/TrustStore.jks),
  • Edit your LARASERVER/settings/serverSettings.gsdk configuration file accordingly, as for example:

//@description the location of the trust store that is used to verify that the NM connection can be trusted. 
//NM_B2B.TRUST_STORE "lara/nmservices/resources/wsdl/TrustStore.jks"
//(line commented-out by //)
NM_B2B.TRUST_STORE "F:/LARA_V3.1/LARA_V3.1.4.10/LARASERVER/bin/TrustStore.jks"

  • Restart your LARA Server in order to load the modified parameter.

Future LARA releases will include this change directly within the provided LARA Server module.


2.       Due to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis and its impact on Air Traffic situation, we expect some delay for the LARA V3.2 delivery.  Further information on the release date will be provided soon.


In case of any questions please contact the LARA Team

A LARA NOTICE is issued and distributed among LARA Users to inform the LARA Community about observations, important changes and related limitations in regard to the operational use of the LARA Software. Please ensure that relevant personnel is informed about this LARA NOTICE.