Notice 08/2020/B



Number 08/2020/B

Issued on 28-08-2020

Valid until: UFN

Issued by LARA Team


JAVA compatibility

Issue #1: Oracle Java 1.8 Affected software: LARA 3.1.5

Summary: Issue during migration: SSLHandshakeException - no available authentication scheme.
This error is received on a LARA 3.1.5 MigrationSource when launched over a LARA V3.2.1.11 DS. The LARA 3.1 installation runs on Java 1.8.0_231.

Description: This error is received on a LARA 3.1.5 MigrationSource when launched over a LARA V3.2.1.11 DS. The LARA 3.1 installation runs on Java 1.8.0_231.  After investigation, it seems that Java 1.8 update 191 changes it supported TLS encryption lists so that all DES TLS cipher suites were disabled and we think the SSL certificates for 3.1 were DES as this was the default algorithm at the time.

Prevention: The solution is to perform migration with a version < 1.8.191

Fix: This will be fixed with any future LARA V3.1 patches.

Issue #2: Java AdoptOpenjdk 11.0.8
Affected software: LARA V3.2

Summary: Java 11.0.8 incompatibility.

Description: A change in Java 11.0.8 is incompatible with LARA V3.2. This should be rectified.

Prevention: To avoid this issue, a property (jdk.serialSetFilterAfterRead) can be set to true to revert the behaviour, but this would have to be manually set everywhere in the scripts launching LARA applications.

Fix: This will be fixed with any future LARA V3.2 patches.

In case of any questions please contact the LARA Team

A LARA NOTICE is issued and distributed among LARA Users to inform the LARA Community about observations, important changes and related limitations in regard to the operational use of the LARA Software. Please ensure that relevant personnel is informed about this LARA NOTICE.