Notice 02/2011
Number 02/2011
Issued on 29-06-2011
Valid until: LARA Release V2.1
Issued by JS/LARA Team
LARA V2.0 email configuration
Information for Admin/Housekeeper Users: please change the email addresses for the Housekeeper and Admin User before activating the email functionality on LARA.
The default emails are configured as
The domain actually exists. If the address is not changed the domain owner will receive a variety of unsolicited emails regarding passwords and alike.
In case of any questions please contact the LARA Team
A LARA NOTICE is issued and distributed among LARA Users to inform the LARA Community about observations, important changes and related limitations in regard to the operational use of the LARA Software. Please ensure that relevant personnel is informed about this LARA NOTICE.
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