LARA users can exchange AUP/UUP information with NM along different mechanisms:
- In manual mode, by saving local AUP/UUP files, and e.g. importing them into CIAM, or
- In automatic mode, by silently exchanging NM BB messages in order to synchronise local LARA and centralised NM environments.
For the latter, some configuration are required at LARA Server level (see the LARA Technical Manual), and access has to be granted by NM after completion of mandatory administrative steps.
To access NM B2B services, you do need indeed first to apply for credentials (certificate, user account and associated password). This procedure is described here, and you have to apply via the submission of an online request. You have to select in the frame "IV. SERVICE TYPE", the NM B2B option, and select "Other Specific Package" which can be described as "LARA access to AirspaceStructures and AirspaceAvailability services".
If you plan to access NM B2B via the NewPENS network (instead of the conventional public internet), please make a clear reference to this such as "LARA access to AirspaceStructures and AirspaceAvailability services via NewPENS", as corresponding certificates are diffferents. Additionally, a "B2B over NewPENS Infrastructure Design" document, describing a.o. all technical parameters such as e.g. the IPs used, should be elaborated in coordination with NM Customer support.
This procedure will allow you to receive a PREOPS certificate ".p12" file, that you will have to activate by phone in order to receive the corresponding password.
Some tests have then to be performed within this PREOPS environment, and after successful completion, you will receive your final OPS certificate.
Some LARA Adds-On (AUP reader, B2B sender) are also provided in order to further automate data exchanges and validation via NM B2B.