Extract CACD dataset

Airac: post-ops (1606) ops (1607) pre-ops (1608)
List countries:

please select a country and wait
(from 30 sec upto more than 1 min) for the files creation.


ERS ENV data (full CACD dataset covering the whole of the ECAC area) are regularly uploaded to an access-controlled online database, based on airac cycle.

By selecting a given country, a dataset specific to this country will be extracted and made available for download as set of flat ".dat" files, suitable for import into LARA.

This extraction process relies on the definition of the national airspace system (NAS) which lists the points (SP) belonging to a given country (table SP_IN_NAS).  As CDR portions (grouping successive CDR segments) are often defined "cross-borders" at NM level, it is mandatory to "shorten" these to the limits of NAS boundary.

This is indeed required if 2 neightbouring LARA Cluster Servers would connect to each others without conflicting dual entries.

It is therefore suggested to assess the result of the extraction process (see "View the extraction log infos" available after selecting a country), and to eventually "add points" if these would be considered as necessary for the definition of some national CDR portions.  Of course, this should be done in accordance with the concerned neightbouring country, such that only one would include the corresponding sub-section in his/her LARA Cluster Server definition.

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